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Gluten-Free Mocha Baked Oats

October 26, 2022 1 min read

Gluten-Free Mocha Baked Oats

Our new favourite take on porridge - baked oats!

It’s like having cake for breakfast, but in a totally acceptable way.
Super easy and a no fuss recipe, so you don’t have any excuse like lack of time or needing to clean lots of dishes to stop you from trying it.
You’re welcome!

We've teamed up with one of our favourite producers: Gluten Free Oats, using their great quality organic product to create the yummiest breakfast cake/ baked oats!



1.5 cup GF oats
1 tbsp Cacao powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 medium banana
1 cup almond milk
100ml holy joe decaf
2 heaped tsp chow cacao hazelnut spread


Put all oats ingredients (except hazelnut spread) in the blender. Blend for approx 10-15 seconds, until pancake batter like consistency.

Pour into 2 small ceramic dishes. Place tsp of hazelnut spread in the centre of each and make sure to cover with batter.

Bake for approx 15-20 minutes or until baked around the outside and still slightly undercooked in the middle (longer if you want it all fully cooked!)

Top with coconut yoghurt, banana, sliced hazelnuts or whatever your heart desires.